How to Conquer Your Fear of Hiring the Wrong Person

Lori Freeman
August 6, 2024

As a recruitment partner for companies focused on growth, from time to time we encounter a subtle but potentially damaging issue: exceptional candidates being overlooked because of what seems to be a hiring manager's instinctual fears.  

Could this pattern be undermining your success?

Have you ever been paralyzed by the fear of bringing on the wrong person? You’re definitely not alone in this, but here’s the hard truth: that fear is a ticking time bomb for your team, leading to missed opportunities and a mountain of wasted time.

Let’s call a spade a spade: You’re sabotaging your growth. Obsessing over tiny details, making wild guesses about someone’s future, and flip-flopping on decisions is NOT how you build a rockstar team. It’s how you build a monument to indecision.

Are you guilty of these hiring missteps?

  • Nitpicking Perfection: Obsessing over LinkedIn photos or minor resume typos? You're not hiring a model or a copywriter (unless you are), you're building a team of humans.
  • Fortune Telling: Predicting someone's desired career path before even speaking to them? That’s a crystal ball, not a hiring strategy.
  • Decision Quicksand: Does the candidate fit the requirements, but you just can’t make the call?  Clarity is key, or you’ll lose top talent to decisive competitors.
  • Analysis Paralysis: Buried under resumes? First, that’s not a hiring strategy; you should really call us. *wink*

So, what’s the best way to tackle this fear head-on? First, get real about your criteria. What do you really need? Then, structure your interviews like a boss. Involve your team, trust your gut (to a point), and for Pete’s sake, stop overthinking.

Why is everyone so scared?

Past heartbreaks, high stakes, and self-doubt create a toxic mix. But let's be real: You’re probably thinking, “But what if I screw up? The stakes are high!” Yeah, no kidding. It really stinks to make a bad hire. It happens. But newsflash: perfection doesn’t exist. No hire is foolproof.  

Flip the script:

Know your ideal candidate: Define the must-have qualities for the role. Stick to your criteria and don't let distractions derail your focus.

Create a structured process: Level the playing field with standardized questions. No more gut feelings or playing favorites.

Gather multiple perspectives: Don't go it alone. More eyes on the problem mean you're less likely to miss potential red flags.

Leverage outside expertise: Build a network of reliable resources. This could be industry peers, skills assessments, or recruitment professionals who live and breathe this stuff.

Remember, building a strong team doesn’t happen in an instant. It requires strategy, courage, and a commitment to learn from both successes and setbacks. So, stop allowing fear to call the shots. It’s time to elevate your approach and create an exceptional team. Need a roadmap? We’re here to guide you. Let’s tackle those hiring fears together!

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